Thu, 15 March 2007
00:00 Resolution (09.27.06 - Town Ballroom, Buffalo, New York)
16:30 Rocker* (09.22.06 - Fillmore Auditorium, Denver, Colorado)
23:42 Senor Mouse (09.07.06 - The Intersection, Grand Rapids, Michigan)
32:22 Thin Air^ (09.08.06 - Robert J. Fischgrund Amphitheater, South Bend, IN)
43:06 2nd Self >
49:04 "Jimmy Stewart" (09.29.06 - Higher Ground, Burlington, Vermont)
60:29 Pay the Snucka (09.30.06 - Higher Ground, Burlington, Vermont)
Total Broadcast Length 74:22
* with Brendan on acoustic
^ with Jamie Magera on guitar
The Resolution that opened the two-week East Coast swing would set the tempo for much of the band's style for the rest of the year. Often times playing without a setlist, every song was a potential springboard that could lead into extended improv. Chick Corea's Senor Mouse is among the most difficult covers that Umphrey's tackles. Jake and Brendan welcomed their old guitar teacher, Jamie Magera, on-stage to pay respect to the man responsible for introducing them to many of the stylings that define their sound today. The 2nd Self is another example of the open-ended improvisation, as the band traverses through several different moods. Astute listeners may recognize a Jake lego from the 6/2/06 Great American, one of the tracks on "Jimmy Stewart" The Second Album.