Umphrey's McGee Podcast
00:00 - Der Bluten Kat (11.12.05 - Fillmore Auditorium, Denver, Colorado) 27:29 - Push the Pig > 39:51 - Slacker (11.17.05 - 9:30 Club, Washington, D.C.) 47:28 - Robot World > 55:26 - Norwegian Wood > 60:57 - Walletsworth (11.19.05 - Irving Plaza, New York, New York) 66:58 - Heart and Soul* 70:39 - Pay the Snucka (11.18.05 - Irving Plaza, New York, New York) Total Broadcast Length 79:56 Notes: * with Huey Lewis on vocals Umphrey's McGee opened up at the Denver Fillmore with, one of their oldest tunes and concert staples, the epic Der Bluten Kat. The post-rock Robot World leads into the band's unique interpretation of Norwegian Wood. Huey Lewis guests on a cover of one of his tunes, Heart and Soul, continuing the relationship started at the Jammy's in 2005, and continuing to his guest slots on Safety in Numbers.
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